Editorial Team
Director of Publication:
Ammar MANAA, Centre of Research in Social and Cultural Anthropology (CRASC), Algeria
Editor in Chief:
Abdelouahab BELGHERRAS, Centre of Research in Social and Cultural Anthropology (CRASC), Algeria
Associate Editors:
- Roberto MAZZOLA, University of Eastern Piedmont "Amedeo Avogadro", Italy
- Dominique CAUBET, National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilizations (Inalco), France
- Yamamoto SAKI, University of Osaka, Japan
- Abderezzak DOURARI, National Pedagogical and Linguistic Center for Tamazight Teaching (CNPLET), Algeria
- José Antonio GONZÁLEZ ALCANTUD, University of Granada, Spain
- Dalila SENHADJI, University of Science and Technology of Oran (USTO), Algeria
- Elizabeth BISHOP, The American University of Iraq - Baghdad (AUIB), Iraq
- Jonathan GLASSER, University of William & Mary, Virginia, USA
- Mounir SAIDANI, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia
- Mohand Akli SALHI, University of Tizi Ouzou Mouloud Mammeri, Algeria
- Catherine MILLER, The Institute of Research and Study on the Arab and Islamic Worlds (IREMAM), France
- Saliha SENOUCI, Centre of Research in Social and Cultural Anthropology (CRASC), Algeria
- Mohamed HIRRECHE-BAGHDAD, Centre of Research in Social and Cultural Anthropology (CRASC), Algeria
- Mohamed MILIANI, University of Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed, Algeria
- Ahmed Amine DELLAI Centre of Research in Social and Cultural Anthropology (CRASC), Algeria
Journal Secretary:
- Lamia FARDEHEB, Centre of Research in Social and Cultural Anthropology (CRASC), Algeria
- Fatima Zohra HABRI, Centre of Research in Social and Cultural Anthropology (CRASC), Algeria