1. Submission of Articles

"Turath accepts only original articles written in Arabic, English, or French. Submitted articles should be between 30,000 and 40,000 characters (including spaces).

Authors are invited to provide the abstract, keywords, and title of the article in English.

Papers should be written as a continuous expository narrative in article style.

Non-Roman Scripts (Arabic): We require all references to be rewritten in Roman script.

Authors should include a cover page with the full title of the paper, the author's full name, author’s affiliation, and e-mail address (Institutional e-mail is recommended for the submission).

The author's name should not appear elsewhere in the paper.

Papers should be submitted electronically.
The author must submit their article through the ASJP platform to the account of the journal "Turath." Link : https://asjp.cerist.dz/en/PresentationRevue/920
To do so, Authors need to register with ASJP (Algerian Scientific Journal platform) prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in.

For article preparation, a downloadable Template in Arabic, English, and French 
Any article that does not comply with this template will be returned to its author.

2. Article Evaluation
Articles submitted to the journal are first reviewed by the journal's secretariat for compliance with the Template
Once accepted, the article undergoes an initial internal review by the Editorial Committee. At this stage, the article may be:

  • Accepted as is;
  • Accepted with revisions to be communicated to the author;
  • Or rejected.
    If the article passes the first evaluation phase, it is subjected to a second double-blind peer review by external reviewers. In this phase, the article may receive:
  • Two positive reviews, leading to publication;
  • Two negative reviews, leading to rejection;
  • One positive and one negative review, in which case a third decisive review is considered.
  • After both internal and external evaluations, the final decision (acceptance or rejection) rests with the Editorial Committee.

The overall evaluation period (internal and external) is estimated at an average of 30 days, though it may exceed this timeframe depending on the reviewers.

3. Article Publication
Once the issue is published, the author of an accepted article will receive one (01) copy of the issue and a digital offprint.
A certificate of acceptance for the submitted article will only be issued after a favourable publication decision.

4. Other Sections of the Journal
Authors may also submit contributions to other sections of the journal (e.g., reviews, scientific information, journal reviews, documents, corpora, etc.).

5. Copyright
The author must transfer intellectual property rights to the journal. To do so, a commitment letter is downloadable here: Copyright Transfer Agreement Form
All copyrights are reserved by "Turath." Any reproduction of articles or other published contributions requires written authorisation from the Editor-in-Chief. 

6. Ethical Guidelines
Authors must adhere to the ethical guidelines in effect in the academic field, particularly those related to anti-plagiarism measures.
Any author found guilty of plagiarism will have their article excluded from publication in "Turath."