Rereading “Music among the Kabyles” in Rouanet's Synthesis: Modernization and Westernization a Hundred Years Later
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This article revisits Jules Rouanet's study of Kabyle music, as discussed in his thesis, published in 1922, on Arabic music in the Maghreb. This study continues to provoke reflection on questions that are still current, in particular those linked to musical modernization and hybridization. The objective of this work is to establish a link between what Rouanet designated as: "the influence of modern French music on Kabyle music" and the evolution of the latter over time. In this perspective, we will retrace the process of modernization of Kabyle music and clarify the notions of modernization and westernization, as well as their implications.
The first part of this article will deal with the different characteristics of Kabyle music as described by Rouanet, and the expected impact of European influence on its evolution. The second part will examine the transformations and developments of Kabyle music, starting from its image in Rouanet's writings, then in the light of what it has become today.distinct from the post-Cairo Congress consensus (1932).
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