The Role of Media in Cultural Heritage Within the Framework of International Agreements Approved by UNESCO and Its Executive Guidelines for Implementation

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The world has witnessed numerous conflicts and wars whose effects have not been limited to human life alone but have extended to intellectual and creative output as well as various fields of life, including cultural heritage in all its classifications and designations. Cultural heritage holds great importance as it carries national identity, contributes to boosting and revitalizing the economy, particularly local economies, strengthens the links between the past and the present, and opens the horizon for future aspirations to build a more noble and elevated society. Given this significance, an international agency specialized in this field was established at the international level: the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). One of its main goals is to encourage all countries worldwide to preserve and protect world heritage. At the regional and local levels, specialized organizations have been established, including the Arab Organization for Education, Culture, and Science (ALECSO) affiliated with the Arab League and the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) affiliated with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

To achieve the goals advocated by these organizations, the role of traditional and modern media in directing and mobilizing public opinion becomes prominent. Media and its channels act as a bridge between decision-makers and public opinion and can influence or pressure political elites to adopt decisions and positions that support the enactment of legislation and laws contributing to the protection and preservation of cultural heritage. The role played by mass media varies from one medium to another, depending on the tools, features, capabilities, methods, and objectives of each medium.

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How to Cite

YASSEN, B. (2024). The Role of Media in Cultural Heritage Within the Framework of International Agreements Approved by UNESCO and Its Executive Guidelines for Implementation. Turath, 2(1), 52-63.


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