The Tunisian Sashiya: A Men Headdress, a Symbol and an Identity. An Intangible Cultural Heritage That Deserves to Be Preserved and Valued

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The Tunisian Shashiya represents an essential part of the national traditional dress, in addition to having been a marker that denoted the status and the person of its wearer, it also differed according to geographical regions.

This Tunisian Shashiya is of high quality, and the stages of its manufacture refuse imitation to guarantee the quality of the product and to respect the origins of its manufacture.

Therefore, special attention should be paid to this traditional dress, symbol of what it represents as an essential pillar of our heritage and our national character, and a component of our originality and our cultural and historical belonging.

This depends on joint work and a collective awareness of all stakeholders, professionals, artisans, interested in heritage, researchers in its fields, decision-makers, for a policy that takes into account, preserves and benefits from the creativity and progress of this artisanal heritage. By setting up very precise rules to define the craftsmanship of the shashia, and highlight the extent of its influence internally and externally and constitute a scientific and practical document on this headdress, which is part of the traditional Tunisian costume.

In this work we will adopt the image, statistics, forms, analysis and justification of everything related to the craft and the craftsman in order to bring it closer to the reader and enlighten him on the advantages and characteristics of this headdress, its types, forms and colors, in an attempt to stir up and stimulate anew the interest and consideration.

However, despite its decline in popularity, the Tunisian Shashiya has remained steadfast and present as an essential component of Tunisian identity in the field of clothing and its specificities.

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How to Cite

FALHI, S. (2023). The Tunisian Sashiya: A Men Headdress, a Symbol and an Identity. An Intangible Cultural Heritage That Deserves to Be Preserved and Valued. Turath, 1(1), 67-86.


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