Wooden Puppet Craftsmanship: A Representative Tool of Popular Culture Symbols
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This research aims to reveal the symbols of popular culture in wooden dolls, and the important role of the Vocational Training and Productive Families in Al-Sharqia Governorate, Zagazig City, in employing this craft to revive the Egyptian popular culture, as this craft has a leading role in reviving the general aspects of the Egyptian popular culture, in which folklore lives and expresses Egyptian identity in forms and symbols that carry cultural contents and connotations about the Egyptian environment.
The research aims to reveal the art of wooden dolls in embodying a deeply rooted spiritual, intellectual, and artistic heritage that gives us beauty and creativity, and show us the hidden capabilities in the Egyptian popular culture, and highlighting the art of woodturning lathes to employ it in reviving popular culture and preserving the environment using natural materials, so ensure that culture gives a sense of civilization, art, and sophistication and preserves the survival of the craft and its entity over time, and expresses a stock of our life experiences, and the self-productive potential available within each local community.
The research used the descriptive approach to describe the phenomenon and analyse its symbols using symbolic theory to reveal cultural connotations and ensure the deepening of the sense of belonging to popular heritage.
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